الثلاثاء، 23 أغسطس 2011

((كيف يكسر الليبيون ظهورهم وهم مبتسمون))((How do they break their backs Libyans smiling))

((كيف يكسر الليبيون ظهورهم وهم مبتسمون))


قادة ليبيا  ونهاياتهم

خليفة بن عسكر من قبيلة العساكرة وهي إحدى القبائل الكبيرة ببلدة (لالوت ) بجبل نفوسة جنوب غرب طرابلس ليبيا  .


أذن سأترككم مع هذه القصة بعد أن ابدي وجهة نظري التي توضح أو أنها قريبه من نهاية ألقذافي وعودة ليبيا إلي الوصايا الاوربيه . ولكن بطريقة تتناسب مع العصر  الذي نعيشه  وسينطلق المثقفون بالقول إنهم تحرروا . ولكن هم عادو إلي العبودية . وهنا علينا أن نتذكر إعلان القبض على سيف الإسلام ابن العقيد ألقذافي واستسلام ابنه محمد وتناقلت الخبر جميع الدول بما في ذلك المحكمة الدولية . وفجئه خرج سيف الإسلام يضحك ويتوعد ليكشف الحقيقة بان ما يحكم لليبيه هو المال . وتبقي هذه القصة في غاية الغرابة وصدمه ستدرس لدى الأوربيين والأمريكان حتى يستفيدوا منها في غزو بلاد آسيا لإسقاط آخر معاقل الملوك المتنفذين والذين يحضون بحب كبير ومعارضه قليلة هنا ساترك القارئ الذي شرفني بقراءة اطر وحاتي  التي تتضمن  أفكاري وقرا آتي فيما يدور

ملك ملوك اوربا وافريقيا/الملك اوباما بارك بن حسين

    حولي ليعرف ماهي الدولة القادمة التي يجب إسقاط الملك بها . لتعيد أوربا بزعامة ملك ملوك أوربا وأفريقيا  رئيس الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه  الملك اوباما بارك بن حسين .ملك مولوك أوربا وأفريقيا ليقود العالم الإسلامي ويفرض قوانينه التي سيدمجها مع القوانين الكاثوليكية ليكون دين  الملك القادم من أفريقيا والحاصل على جميع الألقاب .إلى أن يستولي على هذه الدولة الكبيرة في آسيا ليكون ملك ملوك العالم . والخطة هي  بدأت الآن  وهي أن  تبدأ الوسائل الأعلام  في القنوات بالتشهير بجرائمها وكبتها للشعوب بها . وعلينا الآن أن نتابع قصة البطل أليبي الذي وصل إلي  يد الايطاليين وحضور العديد ليشهد  إعدامه  . وهنا يجب أن تكون الصورة واضحة بان من حضر كان رغم عنه وهذا غير صحيح لان إعدامه على مرآ الجميع في ليبيا . وهذا ما فعله الثوار هو الانقسام الذي دعمته الدول الغربية  ليتمكنوا من القبض أو قتل ألد أعدائهم واخطر الرجال على اقتصادهم الذي يتهاوى . وذلك الرجل هو العقيد معمر ألقذافي الذي اتجه إلي أفريقيا  وبدا يساهم في رفع اقتصادها واستمالتهم وهذا ما راهنو عليه الأفارقة ومنحو الكثير من الميزات ليتخلوا عن ألقذافي . والحقيقة أنهم سيضلون في فقرهم وقلت مواردهم أكثر مما سبق وسيتجه لهم نظر الجيوش الغازية لتغذية جيوشها بأموال فتوحاتها لدول الحرية  المزعومة.

المجاهد البطل الذي خسره الليبيون كعادتهم في خسران قادتهم . قد يقول البعض لي هنا بأن معمر ألقذافي يختلف عن جميع أبطال ليبيا لأنه طاغية . سنقول لهم جميعهم كانت نهايتهم واحده هي خيانتهم وتنكر   أليبيون لهم . أما  من يقول ويتمنى  أن ليبيا تختلف عن باقي الدول نقول لهم لا  فا لقذافي كان الجميع يتبع كلامه وينصت له وأخرها  حين اتهم ا لدول الكبرى بأنها تمارس القمع والسعي لإذلال شعوب العالم الثالث وكان هذا بعد إعدام صدام حسين في ليلة العيد وسخر منهم على منبر هيئة الأمم المتحدة .ألقذافي اخبرا الجميع بعيوبهم واضح عيوبه لهم . إن الإمبراطورية الأوربي لن تقوم  وهناك مثل العقيد ألقذافي أو ملك  يسيطر على مفاصل اجتماعيه مهمة للمجتمعات الإنسانية . سواء كانت هذه السيطرة دينيه أو اقتصاديه أو شعوبيه .


عندما دخل الطليان نالوت في 12 أبريل 1913 م، آثر خليفة الابتعاد عنهم واختار الإقامة بوادي الثلث بعيدا عن عيونهم مفضلا الصيد على جوارهم. ثم اتفق مع أصدقائه المخلصين على الثورة وتمركزوا بقصبة (إيجوجن) التي تقع على بعد 4 كيلومتر غربي بلدة نالوت. وأقسموا على الثورة وتكونت أول مجموعة محاربة ضد الطليان في نالوت بقيادة خليفة بن عسكر وانضم تحت قيادته عدد كبير من المجاهدين الليبيين كما كان يضم تحت قيادته كذلك عددا كبيرا من المجاهدين التونسيين والذين كانوا قد فروا من الاحتلال الفرنسي لوطنهم. وخاض عدة معارك أبلى فيها هو وجماعته البلاء الحسن، ومن أهمها معركة (امجزم) ومعركة (سيناون) ومعركة (وازن) ومعركة (تكوت)، وتمكن من تحرير بلدتي كاباو ونالوت من أيادي الإيطاليين. واستمرت انتصاراته في أعالي جبال نفوسة وسهولها. ولم يتوقف خليفة عند حربه مع الإيطاليين ففتح جبهة أخرى مع الفرنسيين في الجنوب التونسي عبر الحدود الليبية وتمكن من تحرير عدد من الليبيين الذين كانوا معتقلين في السجون الفرنسية ومن ضمنهم أفراد من عائلته.

                                                    العقيد معمر لقذافي مع الايطالي سيلفيو برلسكوني
واستمرت معارك الجهاد بين كر وفر على عدة جبهات، قادها خليفة بن عسكر وسليمان الباروني ومحمد سوف المحمودي وعبد النبي بلخير وأحمد المريض ورمضان السويحلي وآخرون غيرهم حتى حدث ما كان يتمناه الإيطاليون (فتنة الجبل) وهي الحرب الاهلية بين أمازيغ جبل نفوسة وجيرانهم من قبائل الرجبان بقيادة فكيني.

لقد كانت الفتنة التي حدثت في الجبل هي بداية النهاية للمقاومة الباسلة التي خاضها الليبيون في غرب ليبيا، أدت هذه الفتنة إلى انقسام الجبل إلى فريقين متصارعين هذا الجبل الذي وقف سد منيع في وجه الإيطاليين لسنوات تمكن الإيطاليين من تفرقة أهله وعملة على تسليح كلا الطرفين المتحاربين بالسلاح وأظهرت لكل طرف بأنها تقف معه، لتتمكن من إشعال الحرب بينهم وكان لها ما تريد.

كانت الإيطاليون يراقبون الوضع عن كثب وكانوا يسعون إلى استمالة بن عسكر إليهم، لأنه ما دامت العداوة قائمة بينه وبينهم فلا يمكن أن يصلوا إلى ما يأملونه من إثارة الفتنة في الجبل، وهذا ما حصل بالفعل فقد أدت الحرب التي قامت في الجبل إلى التضييق على بن عسكر واستغل الإيطاليون هذه الفرصة بالتوسط لدى بن عسكر وإصدار عفو عنه هو وجماعته وما كان من خليفة في ذلك الوقت إلا أن يقبل بتلك الوساطة.

القبض عليه

بات بن عسكر في أيدي الإيطاليين إلا أن الإيطاليين لم يتمكنوا من القبض عليه مباشرة وذلك لأن خليفة كان يرافقه الآلاف من رجاله المسلحين والمستعدين لفدائه بأرواحهم فبدأ الجنرال الإيطالي غراتسياني يعد العدة في سرية تامة للقبض عليه، وقد أخذ الموافقة من الحاكم العام ويقول في كتابه (نحو فزان) :"لم يكن من السهل خداع رجل حذق فن الخبث والمكر مثل هذا الرجل وكان نجاح هذا الأمر يتوقف على مراعاة السرية المطلقة".ويقول أيضا : "ولم يكن هذا كافيا للقبض عليه خوفا من أنصاره لأنهم كانوا يطيعونه طاعة عمياء".

وهنا بدأ غراتسياني في تنفيذ خطته فعندما ذهبوا إلى الحصن (محل القيادة) لمقابلته كانت الأوامر أعطيت إلى الجيش بالقبض على أنصاره، كما اتخذت التدابير للقبض عليه وعلى من معه داخل القيادة، ونفذت الخطة ونجحت الحيلة.

وكانت هذه الحادثة يوم 28 مايو سنة 1922. وفي هذا اليوم أخذ إلى طرابلس حيث أودع السجن انتظارا للمحكمة. ولهذه المناسبة يقول غراسياني : "وهكذا اختفى من الغرب رجل خطر جدا كرمضان السويحلي".


آخر شهر يوليو 1922 حوكم خليفة بن عسكر. وحكم عليه بالإعدام شنقا. وعند نطق الحكم كان بن عسكر من ضمن مجموعة من المجاهدين، أخرجوهم في قمصان ليضعوا على رؤوسهم لفائف سود استعدادا للشنق. ولكنه رفض أن يلبس الغطاء الأسود وقال :- أنا لا أخاف الموت

ويقول من حضر عملية الإعدام من المواطنين الذين أجبروا على الحضور بسوق الزاوية :

((كان من أشجع الذين واجهوا الموت. وكان يشتم الطليان ويسبهم ويبصق في وجوههم إلى أن التف حول عنقه حبل المشنقة عندها ضجت الساحة بالبكاء من المواطنين. كما بكى أيضا الجنود الإرتريون المسلمون))

وهنا انتهت تلك الثورة التي أرادت تحرير بلادها من الطغيان الأجنبي . وبعدها كانت  التذبذبات إلي أن  أتى أبطال شرفاء رفضوا الاستمرار في العبودية الغربية  حتى  تحرروا منها . وهذا ماتفعله الآن المعارضة في ليبيا فهي منقسمة على نفسها وهي لم تكمل الانتصار .وهنا ستستمر ليبيا في تجاذبات وتذبذبات ستعصف بها .  بطريقة التي لاتجعلها تستطيع الخروج من جلباب المستعمر القديم والسيد المطاع السيد الأوربي . ألا  إن كان هناك حدث يقلب هذه المعادلة .

مقولة  ابن حسين التمتام (تاريخ الشعوب هو مقياس لتقدمها أو رجوعها أو الوقوف عنده)


ملاحظة : قصة خليفه بن عسكر أطلعت عليها في موسوعة ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

 للأمانة  دونة هذه الملاحظة


((How do they break their backs Libyans smiling))
The leaders of Libya and Nhayatem
Khalifa Bin Askar Alasakrh of the tribe, one of the major tribes in the town (for Aloc) Mount Nefoussa southwest of Tripoli, Libya.
Ear I'll leave you with this story yet to make my point of view or that show it is close to the end of Gaddafi, Libya's return to the commandments in Europe. But in a way commensurate with the times in which we live and intellectuals will start by saying they had been liberated. But they have returned to slavery. Here, we have to remember the Declaration on the arrest of Saif al-Islam son of Colonel Gaddafi and the surrender of his son Mohammed, picked up the news of all States, including the International Tribunal. And Saif al-Islam Fjih out laughing and threatening to reveal the truth that what governs the Fact is money. This keeps the story in a very strange and shocking will study the Europeans and the Americans even benefit from them in the conquest of Asia to bring down the last strongholds of kings powerful and those who preach so much love and exhibits a few here I will leave the reader that the honor of reading the contexts and Khatti that include my thoughts and Kara come with what was happening around me to know what state the next must be dropped by the King. To restore Europe, led by king of kings of Europe and Africa U.S. President King Obama Park Bin Hussein. King Moloch Europe and Africa to lead the Islamic world and impose its laws, which Sedmjha with the laws and the Catholic, the religion of the next king of Africa, winning all the titles. To seize such a large country inAsia to be the king of the kings of the world. The plan is now starting to begin a means of flags in the channels of defaming its crimes and the suppressed peoples. We now have to follow the story of the hero Walibi, who arrived into the hands of the Italians and the presence of many witnesses to his execution.Here, image must be clear that those who attended was with him and although this is not true because everyone they passed on the execution in Libya. This is what I do is split the rebels, backed by Western countries to be able to capture or kill the bitterest enemies and the most dangerous men on their economy, which is falling apart. And that man is Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who went to Africa and began contributing to raising the economy and to co-opt and this is what it Raheno Africans and erased a lot of features to give up Gaddafi. In fact, they Sadilon in poverty and told their resources more than ever and will go look for them to feed the armies invading armies money conquests of countries alleged freedom.
Mujahid hero who lost the Libyans as usual in the loss of their leaders. Some may say to me here that Muammar Gaddafi is different from all the heroes of Libya to that tyrant. We will tell them all was their end, and one is Olabion betray and deny them. Those who say and wish that Libya is different from other countries telling them not FA of Khaddafy everyone followed his words and listen to him most recently when he accused a major countries as practicing oppression and seeking to humiliate the people of the Third World and this was after the execution of Saddam Hussein in the night of Eid and mocked them on the platform of the United Nations. Gaddafi were told all their faults and shortcomings is clear to them. The European Empire will not and there like a king, Colonel Gaddafi, or control of the joints of a social task for human communities. Whether religious or economic control or populist.

When the Italians entered the Nalut in April 12, 1913 m, preferred successor to stay away from them and chose to stay away from the valley one-third preferring to catch their eyes on their neighborhood. Then he agreed with his friends loyal to the revolution and settled reed (Aajojn), which lies 4 km west of the town Nalut. And swore to the Revolution and formed the first group to fight against the Italians in Nalut led by Khalifa Bin Askar, joined under the leadership of a large number of Libyan militants as it was under his leadership also includes a large number of Tunisians and the mujahideen who had fled the French occupation of their homeland. And fought several battles in which he and scuff his group very well, and most important battle (Amdzm) and battle (would break ranks) and the battle (and balance) and the battle (Tkout), and was able to edit the towns and Kapau Nalut hands of the Italians. And continued his victories in the high mountains and plains Nefoussa. Khalifa did not stop when the war with the Italians opened another front with the French in the south through the Tunisian-Libyan border and was able to edit the number of Libyans who were detained in French prisons, including members of his family.
The battles continue jihad between the car fled on several fronts, led by Khalifa Bin Askar and Solomon Baroni and Muhammad will Mahmoudi and Abdul Nabi Belkheir, Ahmed patient and Ramadan Swehli and many others until the event was hoping for Italian (sedition mountain), a civil war between the Amazigh Mount Nefoussa and neighbors of the tribes Alrajaban led Vkina.
It was a strife that occurred in the mountain is the beginning of the end of the resistance of the brave fought by Libyans in the west of Libya, these sedition to the division of the mountain to the two belligerents of this mountain, which stop the dam impervious in the face of the Italians for years to allow Italians to distinguish his family and his work on the arming of both the warring parties with arms showed that they each party stands with him, to be able to ignite a war between them and have had what you want.
The Italians are watching the situation closely and were seeking to win over Ben Askar them, because as long as enmity list between him and them can not get to what they expect of sedition in the mountain, and this is what happened already have led war, which has in the mountain to crush Ben Askar The Italians took advantage of this opportunity to intercede with Ben Askar and it is an amnesty and his successor, and was at that time but to accept such mediation.
Pat Ben Askar in the hands of the Italians, the Italians were unable to arrest him immediately, because Khalifa was accompanied by thousands of his men armed and ready for redemption their lives began to Italian General Graziani is preparing in the strictest confidence to arrest him, and take the approval of the Governor-General says in his book (about Fezzan): "It was not easy to deceive a blunt art of malice and cunning, such as this man was the success of this depends on taking into account the absolute secrecy." He also says: "This was not enough to arrest him for fear of his supporters because they were obedient."
Here, Graziani began in the implementation of his plan when they went to the fort (in place of leadership) to meet him the orders were given to the army to arrest his supporters, has also taken measures to arrest him and from him within the leadership, and implemented the plan and managed the trick.
This was the incident on 28 May, 1922. On this day he was taken to Tripoli, where he was sent to prison pending the court. For this occasion Graciana says: "Thus a man who disappeared from the West, the risk of very month, like Ramadaan Swehli."
Last Month July 1922 tried Khalifa Bin Askar. And sentenced to death by hanging. When the verdict was Ben Askar among a group of Mujahideen, driving them to put the shirts on their heads to roll in preparation for the hanging of blacks. But he refused to wear a black cap and said: - I am not afraid of death
He says those who attended the execution of people who were forced to attend the corner market:
((He of the bravest who have faced death. The Italians curse and slanders them and spit in their faces that wrapped the noose around his neck, then the arena reverberated with cries of citizens. Wept as soldiers also Eritreans Muslims))
Here, the Revolution ended, which wanted to free her country from foreign tyranny. Then the fluctuations that came to the honorable heroes refused to continue in slavery Bank until freed them. This Matvolh now the opposition in Libya is divided against itself is not complete victory. And here will continue to Libya in the interactions and the fluctuations Stasv. Atjolha a way that can get out of the robe, the old colonial power, Mr. Mr. obeyed EU. However, there was an event turns this equation.
I'm saying Hussein Altmtam (the history of peoples is a measure of progress or re-entry or stand him)
Note: The story of Ben-e-Khalifa briefed them on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Secretariat of the plasticity of this observation.

((How do they break their backs Libyans smiling))
The leaders of Libya and Nhayatem
Khalifa Bin Askar Alasakrh of the tribe, one of the major tribes in the town (for Aloc) Mount Nefoussa southwest of Tripoli, Libya.
Ear I'll leave you with this story yet to make my point of view or that show it is close to the end of Gaddafi, Libya's return to the commandments in Europe. But in a way commensurate with the times in which we live and intellectuals will start by saying they had been liberated. But they have returned to slavery. Here, we have to remember the Declaration on the arrest of Saif al-Islam son of Colonel Gaddafi and the surrender of his son Mohammed, picked up the news of all States, including the International Tribunal. And Saif al-Islam Fjih out laughing and threatening to reveal the truth that what governs the Fact is money. This keeps the story in a very strange and shocking will study the Europeans and the Americans even benefit from them in the conquest of Asia to bring down the last strongholds of kings powerful and those who preach so much love and exhibits a few here I will leave the reader that the honor of reading the contexts and Khatti that include my thoughts and Kara come with what was happening around me to know what state the next must be dropped by the King. To restore Europe, led by king of kings of Europe and Africa U.S. President King Obama Park Bin Hussein. King Moloch Europe and Africa to lead the Islamic world and impose its laws, which Sedmjha with the laws and the Catholic, the religion of the next king of Africa, winning all the titles. To seize such a large country inAsia to be the king of the kings of the world. The plan is now starting to begin a means of flags in the channels of defaming its crimes and the suppressed peoples. We now have to follow the story of the hero Walibi, who arrived into the hands of the Italians and the presence of many witnesses to his execution.Here, image must be clear that those who attended was with him and although this is not true because everyone they passed on the execution in Libya. This is what I do is split the rebels, backed by Western countries to be able to capture or kill the bitterest enemies and the most dangerous men on their economy, which is falling apart. And that man is Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who went to Africa and began contributing to raising the economy and to co-opt and this is what it Raheno Africans and erased a lot of features to give up Gaddafi. In fact, they Sadilon in poverty and told their resources more than ever and will go look for them to feed the armies invading armies money conquests of countries alleged freedom.
Mujahid hero who lost the Libyans as usual in the loss of their leaders. Some may say to me here that Muammar Gaddafi is different from all the heroes of Libya to that tyrant. We will tell them all was their end, and one is Olabion betray and deny them. Those who say and wish that Libya is different from other countries telling them not FA of Khaddafy everyone followed his words and listen to him most recently when he accused a major countries as practicing oppression and seeking to humiliate the people of the Third World and this was after the execution of Saddam Hussein in the night of Eid and mocked them on the platform of the United Nations. Gaddafi were told all their faults and shortcomings is clear to them. The European Empire will not and there like a king, Colonel Gaddafi, or control of the joints of a social task for human communities. Whether religious or economic control or populist.
When the Italians entered the Nalut in April 12, 1913 m, preferred successor to stay away from them and chose to stay away from the valley one-third preferring to catch their eyes on their neighborhood. Then he agreed with his friends loyal to the revolution and settled reed (Aajojn), which lies 4 km west of the town Nalut. And swore to the Revolution and formed the first group to fight against the Italians in Nalut led by Khalifa Bin Askar, joined under the leadership of a large number of Libyan militants as it was under his leadership also includes a large number of Tunisians and the mujahideen who had fled the French occupation of their homeland. And fought several battles in which he and scuff his group very well, and most important battle (Amdzm) and battle (would break ranks) and the battle (and balance) and the battle (Tkout), and was able to edit the towns and Kapau Nalut hands of the Italians. And continued his victories in the high mountains and plains Nefoussa. Khalifa did not stop when the war with the Italians opened another front with the French in the south through the Tunisian-Libyan border and was able to edit the number of Libyans who were detained in French prisons, including members of his family.
The battles continue jihad between the car fled on several fronts, led by Khalifa Bin Askar and Solomon Baroni and Muhammad will Mahmoudi and Abdul Nabi Belkheir, Ahmed patient and Ramadan Swehli and many others until the event was hoping for Italian (sedition mountain), a civil war between the Amazigh Mount Nefoussa and neighbors of the tribes Alrajaban led Vkina.
It was a strife that occurred in the mountain is the beginning of the end of the resistance of the brave fought by Libyans in the west of Libya, these sedition to the division of the mountain to the two belligerents of this mountain, which stop the dam impervious in the face of the Italians for years to allow Italians to distinguish his family and his work on the arming of both the warring parties with arms showed that they each party stands with him, to be able to ignite a war between them and have had what you want.
The Italians are watching the situation closely and were seeking to win over Ben Askar them, because as long as enmity list between him and them can not get to what they expect of sedition in the mountain, and this is what happened already have led war, which has in the mountain to crush Ben Askar The Italians took advantage of this opportunity to intercede with Ben Askar and it is an amnesty and his successor, and was at that time but to accept such mediation.
Pat Ben Askar in the hands of the Italians, the Italians were unable to arrest him immediately, because Khalifa was accompanied by thousands of his men armed and ready for redemption their lives began to Italian General Graziani is preparing in the strictest confidence to arrest him, and take the approval of the Governor-General says in his book (about Fezzan): "It was not easy to deceive a blunt art of malice and cunning, such as this man was the success of this depends on taking into account the absolute secrecy." He also says: "This was not enough to arrest him for fear of his supporters because they were obedient."
Here, Graziani began in the implementation of his plan when they went to the fort (in place of leadership) to meet him the orders were given to the army to arrest his supporters, has also taken measures to arrest him and from him within the leadership, and implemented the plan and managed the trick.
This was the incident on 28 May, 1922. On this day he was taken to Tripoli, where he was sent to prison pending the court. For this occasion Graciana says: "Thus a man who disappeared from the West, the risk of very month, like Ramadaan Swehli."
Last Month July 1922 tried Khalifa Bin Askar. And sentenced to death by hanging. When the verdict was Ben Askar among a group of Mujahideen, driving them to put the shirts on their heads to roll in preparation for the hanging of blacks. But he refused to wear a black cap and said: - I am not afraid of death
He says those who attended the execution of people who were forced to attend the corner market:
((He of the bravest who have faced death. The Italians curse and slanders them and spit in their faces that wrapped the noose around his neck, then the arena reverberated with cries of citizens. Wept as soldiers also Eritreans Muslims))
Here, the Revolution ended, which wanted to free her country from foreign tyranny. Then the fluctuations that came to the honorable heroes refused to continue in slavery Bank until freed them. This Matvolh now the opposition in Libya is divided against itself is not complete victory. And here will continue to Libya in the interactions and the fluctuations Stasv. Atjolha a way that can get out of the robe, the old colonial power, Mr. Mr. obeyed EU. However, there was an event turns this equation.
I'm saying Hussein Altmtam (the history of peoples is a measure of progress or re-entry or stand him)
Note: The story of Ben-e-Khalifa briefed them on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Secretariat of the plasticity of this observation.

((How do they break their backs Libyans smiling))
The leaders of Libya and Nhayatem
Khalifa Bin Askar Alasakrh of the tribe, one of the major tribes in the town (for Aloc) Mount Nefoussa southwest of Tripoli, Libya.
Ear I'll leave you with this story yet to make my point of view or that show it is close to the end of Gaddafi, Libya's return to the commandments in Europe. But in a way commensurate with the times in which we live and intellectuals will start by saying they had been liberated. But they have returned to slavery. Here, we have to remember the Declaration on the arrest of Saif al-Islam son of Colonel Gaddafi and the surrender of his son Mohammed, picked up the news of all States, including the International Tribunal. And Saif al-Islam Fjih out laughing and threatening to reveal the truth that what governs the Fact is money. This keeps the story in a very strange and shocking will study the Europeans and the Americans even benefit from them in the conquest of Asia to bring down the last strongholds of kings powerful and those who preach so much love and exhibits a few here I will leave the reader that the honor of reading the contexts and Khatti that include my thoughts and Kara come with what was happening around me to know what state the next must be dropped by the King. To restore Europe, led by king of kings of Europe and Africa U.S. President King Obama Park Bin Hussein. King Moloch Europe and Africa to lead the Islamic world and impose its laws, which Sedmjha with the laws and the Catholic, the religion of the next king of Africa, winning all the titles. To seize such a large country inAsia to be the king of the kings of the world. The plan is now starting to begin a means of flags in the channels of defaming its crimes and the suppressed peoples. We now have to follow the story of the hero Walibi, who arrived into the hands of the Italians and the presence of many witnesses to his execution.Here, image must be clear that those who attended was with him and although this is not true because everyone they passed on the execution in Libya. This is what I do is split the rebels, backed by Western countries to be able to capture or kill the bitterest enemies and the most dangerous men on their economy, which is falling apart. And that man is Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who went to Africa and began contributing to raising the economy and to co-opt and this is what it Raheno Africans and erased a lot of features to give up Gaddafi. In fact, they Sadilon in poverty and told their resources more than ever and will go look for them to feed the armies invading armies money conquests of countries alleged freedom.
Mujahid hero who lost the Libyans as usual in the loss of their leaders. Some may say to me here that Muammar Gaddafi is different from all the heroes of Libya to that tyrant. We will tell them all was their end, and one is Olabion betray and deny them. Those who say and wish that Libya is different from other countries telling them not FA of Khaddafy everyone followed his words and listen to him most recently when he accused a major countries as practicing oppression and seeking to humiliate the people of the Third World and this was after the execution of Saddam Hussein in the night of Eid and mocked them on the platform of the United Nations. Gaddafi were told all their faults and shortcomings is clear to them. The European Empire will not and there like a king, Colonel Gaddafi, or control of the joints of a social task for human communities. Whether religious or economic control or populist.
When the Italians entered the Nalut in April 12, 1913 m, preferred successor to stay away from them and chose to stay away from the valley one-third preferring to catch their eyes on their neighborhood. Then he agreed with his friends loyal to the revolution and settled reed (Aajojn), which lies 4 km west of the town Nalut. And swore to the Revolution and formed the first group to fight against the Italians in Nalut led by Khalifa Bin Askar, joined under the leadership of a large number of Libyan militants as it was under his leadership also includes a large number of Tunisians and the mujahideen who had fled the French occupation of their homeland. And fought several battles in which he and scuff his group very well, and most important battle (Amdzm) and battle (would break ranks) and the battle (and balance) and the battle (Tkout), and was able to edit the towns and Kapau Nalut hands of the Italians. And continued his victories in the high mountains and plains Nefoussa. Khalifa did not stop when the war with the Italians opened another front with the French in the south through the Tunisian-Libyan border and was able to edit the number of Libyans who were detained in French prisons, including members of his family.
The battles continue jihad between the car fled on several fronts, led by Khalifa Bin Askar and Solomon Baroni and Muhammad will Mahmoudi and Abdul Nabi Belkheir, Ahmed patient and Ramadan Swehli and many others until the event was hoping for Italian (sedition mountain), a civil war between the Amazigh Mount Nefoussa and neighbors of the tribes Alrajaban led Vkina.
It was a strife that occurred in the mountain is the beginning of the end of the resistance of the brave fought by Libyans in the west of Libya, these sedition to the division of the mountain to the two belligerents of this mountain, which stop the dam impervious in the face of the Italians for years to allow Italians to distinguish his family and his work on the arming of both the warring parties with arms showed that they each party stands with him, to be able to ignite a war between them and have had what you want.
The Italians are watching the situation closely and were seeking to win over Ben Askar them, because as long as enmity list between him and them can not get to what they expect of sedition in the mountain, and this is what happened already have led war, which has in the mountain to crush Ben Askar The Italians took advantage of this opportunity to intercede with Ben Askar and it is an amnesty and his successor, and was at that time but to accept such mediation.
Pat Ben Askar in the hands of the Italians, the Italians were unable to arrest him immediately, because Khalifa was accompanied by thousands of his men armed and ready for redemption their lives began to Italian General Graziani is preparing in the strictest confidence to arrest him, and take the approval of the Governor-General says in his book (about Fezzan): "It was not easy to deceive a blunt art of malice and cunning, such as this man was the success of this depends on taking into account the absolute secrecy." He also says: "This was not enough to arrest him for fear of his supporters because they were obedient."
Here, Graziani began in the implementation of his plan when they went to the fort (in place of leadership) to meet him the orders were given to the army to arrest his supporters, has also taken measures to arrest him and from him within the leadership, and implemented the plan and managed the trick.
This was the incident on 28 May, 1922. On this day he was taken to Tripoli, where he was sent to prison pending the court. For this occasion Graciana says: "Thus a man who disappeared from the West, the risk of very month, like Ramadaan Swehli."
Last Month July 1922 tried Khalifa Bin Askar. And sentenced to death by hanging. When the verdict was Ben Askar among a group of Mujahideen, driving them to put the shirts on their heads to roll in preparation for the hanging of blacks. But he refused to wear a black cap and said: - I am not afraid of death
He says those who attended the execution of people who were forced to attend the corner market:
((He of the bravest who have faced death. The Italians curse and slanders them and spit in their faces that wrapped the noose around his neck, then the arena reverberated with cries of citizens. Wept as soldiers also Eritreans Muslims))
Here, the Revolution ended, which wanted to free her country from foreign tyranny. Then the fluctuations that came to the honorable heroes refused to continue in slavery Bank until freed them. This Matvolh now the opposition in Libya is divided against itself is not complete victory. And here will continue to Libya in the interactions and the fluctuations Stasv. Atjolha a way that can get out of the robe, the old colonial power, Mr. Mr. obeyed EU. However, there was an event turns this equation.
I'm saying Hussein Altmtam (the history of peoples is a measure of progress or re-entry or stand him)
Note: The story of Ben-e-Khalifa briefed them on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Secretariat of the plasticity of this observation.

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